Life Comes Full Circle

Life Comes Full Circle

Life comes full circle is Amanda Norman’s journey of inner healing using her Gothic horror photography.

In the Shadows by Amanda Norman
Memento Mori Skull

The galleries

Portrait of Amanda Norman

amanda’s mind – a collection of journals

Gothic horror portrait of Amanda Norman

about amanda

From childhood trauma to becoming a successful holistic therapist, she has never forgotten her passion for photography. Her journey has come full circle as the shadows of her imagination now begin revealing their hidden depths. It is now time to discover the significance of darkness. Likewise, we shall see the light!

Life comes full circle is a fascinating journey of exploring the darkest resources of her mind.

In addition, we will continue discovering how her other passions easily fit together. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, Amanda is slowly putting the pieces in place as her spirituality grows. Clearly, her love of Gothic horror, Tarot Readings, and her passion for energy healing, are all connected. You will begin seeing this when venturing into her mind. Therefore, prepare yourself as you begin exploring her emotive photography.

For those of you who are clearly mesmerised by her work, you can purchase it direct from Amanda.

Exploring Life Comes Full Circle

Amanda Norman and life comes full circle

Although well-known as a Gothic horror photographer, Amanda is also a professional tarot reader, hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master. Furthermore, she currently resides in one of the most haunted cities in England. Liverpool!

Clicking the button below will take you to the About Amanda page for further information.

In Amanda’s Own Words

Come and join me as I venture into the deepest corners of my mind. They say a picture paints a thousand words however, mine clearly offer so much more. Above all, they are a gateway for me to explore my subconscious thus revealing deep secrets.

Previously, being guided by my intuition was too frightening to contemplate. However, when it came to my photography, I had absolutely no hesitation. Of course, when looking back, the sense of freedom and peace it gave me was invaluable. Indeed, at the time, I had no idea why venturing out into a creepy place, made me feel so wonderfully alive!

When I was out with my camera and using my senses of sight, I was in the present moment. Clearly, by being creative, I was resting my mind. I didn’t have a care in the world when I was out exploring. Today, I now know that I was practicing the art of mindfulness. No wonder I felt so alive and at peace.

Unfortunately, I still remember those voices that are now but a simple whisper. Often, there was one voice in particular telling me that I will never make a living as a photographer.

How right they were!

As a result of this type of conditioning, my existing lack of self-worth was kept in check. Hence, I pursued my health and safety career instead, which ultimately led me further down a path of self-destruction. Since my awakening, I now realise the importance of being your true-self and not allowing irrational fear to hold you back. We all have our paths to follow and I look back on mine with gratitude. Now, in 2023, I am ready to explore my true-self, by going inwards to begin exploring my shadows.

Life comes full circle and when will it end?

General Anxiety Disorder and depression was a consequence of my self-destruction. Of course, my photography took a hit, but I am back. My life is, yet again, coming full circle.

Now, I am pleased to tell you that I am truly my authentic-self. Thus, my journey of inner healing is teaching me so much about energy. Bizarrely, I have always known this, however, I didn’t quite understand its power.

The power of fear is immensely strong and can cause great misery if you don’t challenge it!

Enter Amanda’s Mind

Today, I am enjoying this process of reacquainting myself with my Gothic horror photography.

Additionally, I’m reinvesting my love and passion back into something that did keep me sane.

Life comes full circle when exploring my art work and writing about it. The energy of journaling is powerfully healing.

While some use Tarot cards to perform shadow work, I am currently using my photography. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy using the tarot cards, but my photography is revealing so many secrets. The contrast of shadow and light is mesmerising and I’m sure to become lost in its beauty.

Finally, stay tuned for new Gothic horror photography. Enjoy!