Life comes full circle is Amanda Norman’s journey of inner healing using her Gothic horror photography.
About Amanda
From childhood trauma to becoming a successful holistic therapist, she has never forgotten her passion for photography. Her journey has come full circle as the shadows of her imagination now begin revealing their hidden depths. It is now time to discover the significance of darkness abd likewise, we shall see the light!
Life comes full circle is a fascinating journey of exploring the darkest resources of her mind.
In addition, we will continue discovering how her other passions easily fit together. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, Amanda is slowly putting the pieces in place as her spirituality grows. Clearly, her love of Gothic horror, Tarot Readings, and her passion for energy healing, are all connected. You will begin seeing this when venturing into her mind. Therefore, prepare yourself as you begin exploring her emotive photography.
For those of you who are clearly mesmerised by her work, you can purchase it direct from Amanda.
Please note, Amanda does not promote or canvas her work for sale. If you are wanting to purchase her work, speak to her direct using the phone number at the bottom of this page. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY SHE SELLS HER WORK!

Latest Photography Journals
The Skeleton Holding a Book
I can still remember now standing in awe at the skeleton holding a book high upon a tomb in Greyfriar’s kirkyard. It’s a perfect example of how the dead speak to us still beyond their grave. Memento Mori Photography in Edinburgh Edinburgh was my choice of city break purely based on the magnificent old kirkyard…
Bell on a Headstone Meaning
Here I explain the meaning of a bell on a headstone while introducing you to one of my favourite photographs. You can find this remarkable headstone in Middlebie Churchyard, Dumfries. The name of the one who lies beneath is Robert Bell who died in 1739 aged 32. Source: Canmore Dying at the age of just…
Mortality Symbols and Memento Mori
Mortality symbols and Memento Mori are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and purposes. Today, I will explore these concepts using some of my favourite images together with my own thoughts on the subject. What are mortality symbols? Firstly, mortality symbols, as the name suggests, are visual representations of death commonly found on ancient…
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