Life comes full circle is Amanda Norman’s journey of inner healing using her Gothic horror photography.

About Amanda
Amanda’s gallery is a showcase of some of her favourite Gothic horror photography that she’s created.
About Amanda
From childhood trauma to becoming a successful holistic therapist, she has never forgotten her passion for photography. Her journey has come full circle as the shadows of her imagination now begin revealing their hidden depths. It is now time to discover the significance of darkness. Likewise, we shall see the light!
Life comes full circle is a fascinating journey of exploring the darkest resources of her mind.
In addition, we will continue discovering how her other passions easily fit together. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, Amanda is slowly putting the pieces in place as her spirituality grows. Clearly, her love of Gothic horror, Tarot Readings, and her passion for energy healing, are all connected. You will begin seeing this when venturing into her mind. Therefore, prepare yourself as you begin exploring her emotive photography.
For those of you who are clearly mesmerised by her work, you can purchase it direct from Amanda.

About Amanda
Although well-known as a Gothic horror photographer, Amanda is also a professional tarot reader, hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master. She currently resides in one of the most haunted cities in England. Liverpool!

Exploring Life Comes Full Circle
Amanda’s Mind
Come and join me as I venture into the deepest corners of my mind. They say a picture paints a thousand words however, mine clearly offer so much more. Above all, they are a gateway for me to explore my subconscious thus revealing deep secrets.
My love of Gothic horror inspires my photography
My style of Gothic horror photography consists mainly of photographing graveyards, creepy locations and alternative portraits. Furthermore, the sense of peace and freedom I get from photographing these locations, is a form of self-therapy.
Are you afraid of the unknown?
Moreover, are you intrigued by the tales of Gothic horror featuring ghosts, vampires, demons and more?
The unknown element of truth in the existence of what we cannot physically see, fires my imagination. Although we cannot see things such as spirits for example, some of you, including myself can certainly feel their presence. Therefore, what lurks in the unknown and in the shadows out of sight, can also be extremely terrifying.
The Tree of Souls is Calling
When standing within its presence, you cannot mistake the feeling of strength, gritted determination, and the feeling of safety. I also know that I’m not the only person this tree calls too. Since before my time, plenty of people have carved their initials into this tree. Perhaps they have been doing this for decades, if not centuries.
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