Moon Magic and the Tarot

Moon Magic and the Tarot

In this post, I bring together three of my favourite things. Moon Magic, Tarot and of course, photography.

I’ve always been captivated by the moon and her beauty, but it wasn’t until recently that I discovered how to use her energy. Furthermore, she has helped me to transform my life with her beautiful magic.

Moon Magic and Tarot
Be guided by Moon Magic

To begin with, let’s take a look at the The Moon and her meaning in a standard tarot deck.

The Moon in Tarot

Do you succumb to fear, or do you allow the moon to guide you forward?

When The Moon card appears in your tarot reading, it’s time to use your intuition and trust your gut instinct. There is a lot going on around you involving deception, and illusion.

Are you deceiving yourself of your dreams?

Are you allowing fear to prevent you from doing what your heart is pleading for?

Before my transition to become a professional tarot reader and life coach, I was 100% deceiving myself of my dream. As a result of this, I wasn’t happy with my life and as a consequence I succumbed to ANXIETY in its worst form. If you would like to find out more about me, please visit my About Amanda page.

I allowed fear to hold me back

I feared not having the job that gave me no fulfilment. Also, I feared not having any money to pay my bills. Consequently, the feeling of lack in my life grew so much that it became overwhelming, hence the anxiety. I wasn’t following my inner calling, and I was afraid to follow my intuition. Consequently, I was allowing my fear to control me.

When you see The Moon card in your tarot reading, she shows you a glimmer of hope.

Allow her to guide you away from the dark and into the light so that you can see the possibilities that surround you.

She speaks from your subconscious via your dreams and fears, to reveal what you must attend to.

Generally, your fears and insecurities are illuminated for you to face at this troubling time.

Don’t be tempted to put off those ideas and dreams that make you feel uneasy.

Your strength lies in facing them to understand what is real and what is irrational. Additionally, putting steps in place to prevent your worst case scenario from happening will allow you to move forward.

If you avoid your fears, the negative feelings and energy will grow around you with momentum and generate more fear. I found that practicing Moon Magic most certainly helped me to transform my life.

What is Moon Magic?

Practicing Moon Magic at the right time during her lunar phase, most definitely helped me to manifest my dreams. In fact, understanding her energy and how to use it is key, plus it can also build you a positive mindset.

What is moon magic?
The New Moon is a time for setting your intentions.

Have you ever wondered where the words lunacy and lunatic come from?

Research shows that for some of us, the energy of a full moon can have a dramatic effect on our mental health. Furthermore, speak to emergency professionals and you will find that accidents and violent crime increases on a full moon. BBC – Does a full moon make people mad? This is just one example of the energy that I’m talking about.

Would you like to join me on a moon magic adventure?

It would be my absolute pleasure to take you on your very own journey of positive thinking and manifestation. You can read more about my aMOONda workshop here.

Finally, if you would like me to do a tarot reading, please click here.

Don’t you just love the moon?