Life Comes Full Circle


Amanda’s gallery is a showcase of some of her favourite Gothic horror photography that she’s created. So please, venture into the deepest corners of her mind. They say a picture paints a thousand words however, Amanda’s clearly offer so much more. Above all, they are a gateway for her to explore her subconscious thus revealing deep secrets.

Memento Mori death heads gallery
Alternative portraits by Liverpool photographer Amanda Norman

What does your soul say about you?

Sunset over an Irish Graveyard

The Graveyard striking a balance between life and death

Photograph of Huskisson's memorial taken at night

Stay awhile and enjoy Haunted liverpool

Tree of Souls Heysham

Visit Heysham

Hammer Horror Grotesque

Protecting buildings

Wheat with a skull and crossbones

Bring back memento mori

Stained Glass Windows

Mysterious and spiritual places

Firstly, her portraits reveal the soul of the person who dares to pose. The graveyards she visits contain a balance of both life and death, sorrow and peace. Delve into the history of some of the most fascinating memento mori headstones while savouring the importance of living life for today.

Exploring Amanda’s photography also allows you to explore the delicate need to strive for balance of mind, body, and soul. Indeed, Amanda’s life has come full circle as she now concentrates on her spiritual journey to find her peace in a sometimes dark world.

Furthermore, she invites you to delve forward into a world of both light and darkness. You can also explore some of those locations that may be haunted or give rise to your ghosts. Therefore, will you allow Amanda to fine-tune your vibration as you ponder the emotions her images provoke.

Without a doubt, your adventure awaits you below and if you would like to see more of her photography work, visit her blog. Finally, reading more about Amanda will provide you with further insight into why her life has come full circle.

Amanda’s Gothic Horror Gallery

Finally, you may like to purchase a unique framed print. Amanda has a selection available at her shop in Liverpool’s city centre, Gemstone and Tarot.