Life Comes Full Circle


The Legend of George and Kitty Smith

George and Kitty Smith of Billinge in Merseyside most certainly still speak to us from their spectacular grave found in St Aidan’s churchyard. With this being such a grand example of Memento Mori, I began my quest to find out more about the Smiths. My research didn’t disappoint me as …

Victorian Death Photography and their Superstitions

Victorian death is a fascinating topic to explore that will incite lots of conversation. How much do you know about their superstitions and rituals following the death of a loved one? The Victorians certainly had their fascinating customs when it came to death. I’ve included a few of my favourites …

My love of Gothic horror inspires my photography

My style of Gothic horror photography consists mainly of photographing graveyards, creepy locations and alternative portraits. Furthermore, the sense of peace and freedom I get from photographing these locations, is a form of self-therapy. Take for example the photograph below titled, The Beauty of Daresbury. When visiting this graveyard and …