Life Comes Full Circle


The Ghosts of Huskisson Street

Huskisson Street has many ghostly tales and you will find it within the Georgian Quarter of Liverpool. When walking down this terraced street, you will easily find yourself being transported back in time. In the snow, it is like a Victorian wonderland. Summertime is also wonderful. This is especially so …

The Ghosts of St Luke’s Church in Liverpool

St Luke’s Church in Liverpool, is the perfect place to visit if you like haunted locations and Gothic architecture. Also, it is a photographers dream location if like me you find Gothic horror inspiring. Also known locally as the ‘bombed out church’, it remains in ruins. It is a reminder …

Victorian cemeteries and my love for them

Victorian cemeteries offer plenty of opportunity for a good photograph. They also continue inciting my joy of Gothic horror, and romance. I love the peace of old Victorian cemeteries and I can spend hours reading the inscriptions on the various headstones. In addition, I find the magnificent carvings of statues …

Lesbian Vampires of the Seventies with Bite

Lesbian Vampires of the 1970’s were featuring on the silver screen thanks to the famous Hammer Horror studios. All three of these films were simply mind blowing. Without further a do, allow me to begin introducing you to the Karnstein family of vampires. Introduction to the lesbian vampires These days, …