Here I explain the meaning of a bell on a headstone while introducing you to one of my favourite photographs. You can find this remarkable headstone in Middlebie Churchyard, Dumfries. The name of the one who lies beneath is Robert Bell who died in 1739 aged 32. Source: Canmore
Dying at the age of just thirty two is most definitely a reminder to live life for today. In addition, his wife also died in 1739.
No longer mourn for me when I am dead
Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give warning to the world that I am fled
From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell
Sonnets 71 by William Shakespeare
Meaning of a Bell on a Headstone

Firstly, on this particular headstone, we see three bells positioned within the body of the skeleton. We are also aware of the surname ‘Bell‘, which is a clue to the person who lies beneath.
Bells are more commonly seen on headstones in the North of England and Scotland as a Memento Mori symbol. As John Donne reminds us:
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
This is quite a statement by John Donne. My interpretation is that the sound of the bell reminds us of our own mortality and that death is imminent. Therefore, live life for today!
As a result of seeing a bell on a headstone, we are reminded of the cycle of life.
With this particular headstone, we see the ‘three bells of death‘ as the body of the skeleton. The skeleton is also a popular mortality symbol.
The Three Bells of Death
The three bells of death were promiment in medieval times and you may well have heard of the Death Knell. Upon ones death, the death knell is heard from the church, as an obituary notice. Also, the sound of the chimes is warding off evil spirits. It was a common belief that these evil spirits can divert ones soul from reaching heaven.
Bells have a special place in church life, and in the church itself. This is because they occupy the space between heaven and earth. Furthermore, this is also something that I relate to within my spiritual practice of Reiki. My body is what connects my soul to heaven and earth.
The Death Knell
So, upon ones death, the people of the parish would hear the death knell.
For a female, the bell would ring with two sets of three chimes.
For a male, the bell would ring with three sets of three chimes.
In addition, a bell would chime for each year the person lived.
Subsequently, upon the news of a death, villagers will count the number of chimes and in small communities, they commonly knew who it referred to.
In the olden days prior to newspapers, television, and radio, church bells were a form of communicating such news. Upon hearing the chimes, they pray to assist the dearly departed’s soul in rising to heaven.
The Passing Bell
Before the death knell, the passing bell is rang to notify parisherners of an impending death. It is also an alert to the priest that he was needed to perform the Last Rights.
Lych or Corpse Bell
The final bell which still survives today is the lych or corpse bell. Commonly, this is rang at the time of the funeral.
References for the meaning of bells
- Museums on the Green – Church Bells and Death Knells