Category: Interests

  • Mortality Symbols and Memento Mori


    Mortality symbols and Memento Mori are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and purposes. Today, I will explore these concepts using some of my favourite images together with my own thoughts on the subject. What are mortality symbols? Firstly, mortality symbols, as the name suggests, are visual representations of death commonly found on ancient… Read more

    Mortality Symbols and Memento Mori
  • The Legend of George and Kitty Smith

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    George and Kitty Smith of Billinge in Merseyside most certainly still speak to us from their spectacular grave found in St Aidan’s churchyard. With this being such a grand example of Memento Mori, I began my quest to find out more about the Smiths. My research didn’t disappoint me as I began reading about the… Read more

    The Legend of George and Kitty Smith
  • Dance of Death

    The Danse Macabre translates into English as the Dance of Death. It is a medieval allegory that reminds folk about Memento Mori. No matter what one’s status is in life, the dance of death unites all. Furthermore, this can most certainly be viewed as the origins of Memento Mori. Don’t ask me why, but images… Read more

    Dance of Death
  • Cemetery Death Heads


    Cemetery death heads, is my look at the changing fashion of a skull and crossbones in funeral art. Therefore, if you wonder why someone would like a skull and crossbones on their headstone, then look no further. But first, let us begin with the classic skull and crossbones that most of us are familiar with.… Read more

    Cemetery Death Heads
  • Victorian Death Photography and their Superstitions

    Victorian death is a fascinating topic to explore that will incite lots of conversation. How much do you know about their superstitions and rituals following the death of a loved one? The Victorians certainly had their fascinating customs when it came to death. I’ve included a few of my favourites below and I would love… Read more

    Victorian Death Photography and their Superstitions
  • Moon Magic and the Tarot

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    In this post, I bring together three of my favourite things. Moon Magic, Tarot and of course, photography. I’ve always been captivated by the moon and her beauty, but it wasn’t until recently that I discovered how to use her energy. Furthermore, she has helped me to transform my life with her beautiful magic. To… Read more

    Moon Magic and the Tarot