Heysham Gallery

Within this Heysham gallery, you will find my favourite photographs from the place where I grew up. Sadly, I left here at the age of 11 years old due to trauma and I miss it! However, I do appreciate the beauty and sense of oneness now when returning to the village and especially the Barrows. This is such a spiritual place, especially next to the ruins of St. Patrick’s Chapel, high upon the headland, overlooking Morecambe Bay. Within my Heysham gallery below, I will invoke the sense of wonder I feel when being there. Also, my post Shadows of Heysham will explain more about me and my spiritual home.

Picturesque image of St Peter's Church in Heysham Village

What you think, feel and believe is what you are manifesting. Therefore, it is highly beneficial that you practice remaining in the present moment. Through your senses, you experience the beauty of life, you feel great because you are not caught up in the shadows of your mind. Darkness, grows those negative feelings. Unfortunately, this is where I was choosing to dwell.

Whenever I thought of Heysham, I began reliving my feelings of trauma. My shadows of Heysham were sadly negative, but soon I realised how I had forgotten how alive I used to feel here. With great joy, this is why I am always drawn back to Heysham!

Scenic view of a graveyard in Heysham
Heysham’s tree of souls

Don’t be dwelling in the past or catastrophising about your future. It only brings sadness and misery! Enjoy living in the present moment and feeling wonderfully alive! – Amanda Norman – Shadows of Heysham

Amanda’s Shadows of Heysham Gallery

Image of a tree in a graveyard with graffiti
The graffiti tree in St Peter’s churchyard
Photograph showing a Saxon cross shaft in Heysham
A Saxon cross shaft in Heysham
Photograph of Heysham Barrows
Heysham Barrows at Sunset overlooking the Irish sea
Image of a grave
Fairy tale grave
Photograph of a headstone
A solitary headstone in St Peter’s graveyard

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