Who are your most memorable vampires of all time and do you agree with my choices?
To begin with, my most memorable vampire of all time is also the vampire who scared me the most. Let me introduce you to the one and only, Mr. Barlow from Stephen King’s, Salem’s Lot.
Below you will find my most memorable vampires and my reasons on why they shouldn’t be forgotten.
My most memorable vampire is Mr Barlow
You’ll enjoy Mr Barlow and he will enjoy you
Mr Straker from Salem’s Lot

How bloody terrifying is this vampire from Salem’s Lot (1979)?
My introduction to Mr. Barlow still frightens me to this day. He is most definitely my most memorable vampire purely because of his hissing and hideous features. Also, I don’t remember him speaking. Additionally, the sight of those horrible bony fingers with long dirty nails and those yellow eyes was enough to scar me for life.
I remember Salem’s Lot being shown on the TV in two parts.
My worst memory about it is, my crying after it had finished because my sisters or my mother wouldn’t share their bed with me. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, how old was I at the time? I must have been about 11 or 12 years old. The funny thing is, I begged and promised that the following night I would be OK watching it, but I did it again. I couldn’t help it!
Everything about Mr Barlow was purely terrifying and that is what vampires should be in my opinion.
‘One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach…all the damn vampires’
Grandpa from The Lost Boys
If you haven’t seen Lost Boys (1987), you should do as it is a cult classic and a favourite vampire flick of many.

David from The Lost Boys is one of my most memorable vampires
Keifer Sutherland plays David, a leader of a local gang of vampires who hides out in a sunken hotel during the day. In the evening, they rise to terrorise the poor people of Santa Carla.
Although not a vampire oozing sex appeal, in my opinion, he is however, very good looking.
His bleach blonde hair most certainly makes him stand out and his character in the movie is very strong. Most importantly, he is not a vampire that you would like to come face to face with. He’s a cruel psychopath!
Did you know that in the 2004 mini series of Salem’s Lot starring Rob Lowe, Keifer’s dad, Donald Sutherland played James Mason’s role of Mr Straker?
Although it was a good performance, it was nowhere near as good as the original Salem’s Lot. Also, they should not have bothered doing a remake. The late Rutger Hauer played Mr. Barlow and he wasn’t even scary-looking. I hate remakes!
Scary in real life let llone as a vamp!

Grace Jones played Katrina in the 1986 movie Vamp.
This movie is a comedy, but at the age of 15 when it was released, I wasn’t laughing at the introduction of Katrina.
There is just something about this woman that not necessarily terrifies me, but scares me. Grace Jones strip tease is mesmerising and once seen is never forgotten.
More vampires to come including those that make you drool, but who are your most memorable vampires?