A creepy graveyard will not only look abandoned, it will also have a weird atmosphere making one feel uneasy. Of course, this is my definition of a creepy graveyard. However, I found one on an old hillside in Burwell, Lincolnshire.
First and foremost, St Michael’s Church, which dates from the early 12th century is well worth a visit. Also, once inside you will find a beautiful carved angel, but more of that later.
Following your climb to reach it, which is a bit of a steep climb, you will find its old and creepy graveyard. In my opinion, it reminds me of a Hammer Horror set, and there was something about this place that was keeping me on edge. Moreover, I could sense the life in this wild graveyard but there was only me and Mark present.
A Creepy Graveyard
As I took my time looking around, the first thing I noticed were the multiple mounds of fresh Earth. Clearly there are lots of rabbits or badgers burrowing in the ground. Upon taking a closer look, I remember my shock at seeing fragments of bone in the soil. Now, being from the city, this is something that I don’t see often. Furthermore, I suspect some were human and my senses of creepiness go into overload. Even so, I began looking at the headstones and this is when I find the carved skulls of Burwell.
Carved Skulls of Burwell Graveyard

Without a doubt, whoever is buried underneath this extravagant table top tomb, must be wealthy. The wonderful 3D carved skull sits between these leaves resembling wings on either side. Clearly an elaborate variation of a winged death head don’t you think?
Below we see another variation and I wish I could identify the leaves in each of these designs. Knowing the significance of the leaves will provide additional meaning to these graves. Undoubtedly these two graves were a significant find in this otherwise creepy graveyard.

You will find that most of the redundant churches in Lincolnshire are unlocked thus, allowing full access to see their inner beauty.
The church tower dates back to the 12th century and the windows are framing a multitude of cobwebs. Furthermore, looking upwards, you can clearly see three wooden carved, wingless angels staring down upon you. Indeed, I love how the light casts shadows around the angels. It makes them look alive!
Finally, if it wasn’t for the good work of the Churches Conservation Trust, beautiful work like this would be locked away. Thankfully, they are on full display and being protected from any damage. Please visit them on the Internet for further information by clicking here.

If you are wanting more of my travel journals featuring my Gothic horror photography, please click here.