I know that I’m not alone in my opinion that the vampire,  Mr Barlow from Salem’s Lot (1979) is the most scariest and hideous vampire of all time. I know this because my 19 year old daughter let out a scream and insisted on me turning the TV off! She no longer believes that old films like The Exorcist are comedy following her meeting with Mr Barlow. I do feel justified now!

You will enjoy Mr Barlow and he will enjoy you too!

Mr Straker
Mr Barlow
Most memorable vampires – Mr Barlow of Salem’s Lot

A New England village is plagued by vampirism in this blood-curdling shocker based on the bestselling novel by Stephen King, directed by Tobe Hooper (Poltergeist) and starring David Soul, James Mason, Bonnie Bedelia, Lew Ayres and Ed Flanders. Originally released as a two part mini-series, experience Salem’s Lot in its original, uncut form as a 3 hour movie extravaganza! Year: 1979 Starring: David Soul, James Mason, Bonnie Bedelia, Lew Ayres, Ed Flanders Director: Tobe Hooper

synopsis of Salem’s Lot

Most Hideous Vampire!

I was 12 years old following my meeting with Mr Barlow. Looking back, my innocent wide eyes and silence was telling of how immersing the film was. I remember vividly watching the tree branches that looked like skeletal hands blowing in the wind.

Long cast shadows with effective lighting perfectly matching the musical score building in the background. Anticipation of something growing stronger, the arrival of Mr Barlow!

Following the first part, I remember crying my eyes out and begging my sisters to let me share their bed with them. I also remember my mother telling me that I won’t be watching part two if I don’t calm down. Thinking back now, why did she allow me to watch it? Regardless, I was well and truly hooked!

The following night and part two of Salem’s Lot is due. Of course, I was persistent with pleading and promising my mother that I will be OK!

My mother eventually gave in for an easy life I suspect. Following the second showing of Salem’s Lot, the events of the previous night were enacted once more. This time however, it was on a much grander scale. 

The kids of today don’t seem to be as scared of horror movies like I was at their age.

Amanda Norman

Watching in fear!

Am I turning into my mother by introducing Kerry to Salem’s Lot?

As I am writing this, there is such a big smile on my face remembering how justified my feelings were. The difference however is, she is 19 years old and not 12 like I was.

So, there I was waiting for the usual comments from Kerry like ‘this isn’t scary’ or ‘this is rubbish’.  I’ve seen her laughing at the film, The Exorcist, which I also found to be bloody terrifying!

Meeting Mr Barlow from Salem’s Lot

Meeting Mr Barlow

So far, we had seen a few vampires, mainly the Glick family and we had arrived at the scene where Mr Barlow first appears. Watch it above on YouTube were he magically unlocks the cell door which is holding Floyd Tibbits. The camera sticks on Mr Barlow’s hideous looking head. Those terrifying yellow eyes with the screaming loud music and let’s not forget, those awful hissing sounds he makes.


Kerry refused to watch anymore of Salem’s Lot and I’m still laughing to this day about it!

It’s a shame because she is missing out on another terrifying scene. Mr Straker, along with Mr Barlow, enter the kitchen of the Petrie family in spectacular style. The room starts trembling and shaking violently like it would in an earthquake and a black mass appears on the kitchen floor. Gripped in terror and anticipation, it starts growing slowly to reveal the hissing and growling Mr Barlow. You watch on in horror as Mr Straker demands the priest to surrender himself to the scariest vampire of all time.

James Mason as Mr Straker

James Mason plays Mr Straker, who was Mr Barlow’s keeper. He lives in the old Marsten house and owns an antique shop within Salem’s Lot. Mr Straker has most definitely got a screw loose to keep a vampire like him.

I never figured out if he was scared of Mr Barlow, or if he really wanted to be his keeper.

Reggie Naldor plays the role of Mr Barlow magnificently. To date, I find him to be the most evil, terrifying vampire I have ever seen.

You will enjoy Mr Barlow

Don’t be watching any of the remakes of Salem’s Lot. This 1979 version with David Soul, is the best in my opinion and take my word, you will find it both frightening and thrilling. Anything else simply doesn’t capture the true essence of this Gothic horror classic.

Tobe Hooper creates a masterpiece of classic horror with Stephen King’s story. The musical score together with the beautiful cinematography builds your feelings of suspense. The acting is fantastic and all blends perfectly without CGI to play with your senses.

Dare you play with Mr Barlow?