St Luke’s Church in Liverpool, is the perfect place to visit if you like haunted locations and Gothic architecture. Also, it is a photographers dream location if like me you find Gothic horror inspiring.

Also known locally as the ‘bombed out church’, it remains in ruins. It is a reminder of the blitz bombings of World War II and honours those who unfortunately lost their lives.

St Luke's Church in Liverpool by Amanda Norman
St Luke’s Church in Liverpool by Amanda Norman

Reviewing the image above, provides me with feelings of hope. The shadows hide the pain and destruction of war however, the light is offering life. Considering St Luke’s Church is in the city centre of Liverpool, you will find feelings of peace surrounding you.

So, what about the ghosts of St Luke’s Church?

The Ghosts of St Luke’s Church in Liverpool

In December 1991 on a foggy evening, a family was about to begin their Christmas shopping. Feelings of excitement were in the air as the father parked up on Bold Place. This is a small side street at the back of the church. They were about to leave when suddenly, the father noticed that his 6-year-old daughter had vanished. Understandably, panic ensued with the family searching the grounds of the church, after hearing her shout ‘Daddy’. 

The fog was growing thicker all the time. After retrieving a torch from his car, the father climbed up onto the ledge of the window and shone the torch inside. All he could see was rubble scattered about and alarmingly, there was no sign of his daughter.  Whilst climbing down, the mother began hearing faint organ music coming from inside the church. At this point, the family rushed to a police station to report their missing child. Understandably, they hurriedly returned to continue searching the grounds.

After about twenty minutes, they returned to their car when they spotted a tall man wearing a top hat and a long black coat. He was coming out of the grounds of the church holding the hand of their daughter. He told the father to accept his apologies for any distress caused before returning back towards the rear of the church, and disappearing.

What the daughter revealed when questioned is scary. 

Rescued by a ghost

An old woman wearing a shawl began dragging her into the church by her hand. Once inside, lots of strangely dressed people were surrounding them. The old woman put her hand over the girl’s mouth when she began screaming for her ‘daddy‘. Thankfully, the man with the top hat rescued the child from the old woman and returned her to her family.

Haunted Liverpool St Luke's poster
Haunted Liverpool A3 poster is available to purchase at Gemstone and Tarot in Liverpool

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